In addition to energy-efficient technology, we rely on old building structures that are relatively easy to modify and can adjust to both present and future climatic and user-specific conditions and requirements. We are in compliance with all environmental standards and all other covenants, conditions, restrictions under Greek Law in relation to any contamination, pollution, degradation or waste or the release or discharge of any toxic or hazardous substance in connection with any real property which is owned, leased, occupied or controlled by us. We have adopted and abide by all the proposed fire safety and fire extinguishing network measures, according to the applicable legislation, while we ensure the technical quality, excellent condition and reliable operation of the safety and control systems of any electric installation in our buildings.
We also ensure the strength, solidity, stability and, in general, the structural integrity and lightning protection of all our installations. We list the key risks and suggest mitigants in relation to the technical aspects of our projects, including, amongst other, environmental, health and safety etc. during construction phase
We consistently review our portfolio with regard to potential for energetic refurbishment and compliance with various environmental standards and regulations. At DG – we aim to act in a climate-friendly manner