
Con­cen­trate on cen­tral loca­tions in major cities in Greece such as areas like Exarchia, Metax­ourgeio, Kipseli in Athens … where young peo­ple like to live and enjoy the vibrant life of Athens


Buy exist­ing build­ings, emp­ty res­i­den­tial or com­mer­cial build­ings, of sizes of between 500sqm to 2,000sqm each


Ren­o­vate and refur­bish the build­ings to a new build­ing stan­dard (as part of the ren­o­va­tion — we leave only the shell, and change every­thing else)


Con­cen­trate on mod­ern and qual­i­ty design in pur­pose­ful­ly built and designed stu­dios and 1 Bed­room units of aprox­i­mate­ly 30 sqm in size


All apts are ful­ly fur­nished and include kitchen, appli­ances, dou­ble bed, sofa, work­ing table and din­ing table, AC sys­tem, TV, cable con­nec­tion and full WIFI connection


All build­ings are secured and pro­tect­ed by inter­nal cam­eras in the com­mon areas for the safe­ty of the tenants


In each build­ing — com­mon areas will be estab­lished for the use of the ten­ants includ­ing laun­dry room, com­mon roof ter­races and leisure areas

Val­ue Facilities

In some of the build­ings we have on the ground floor small retail units that we will rent out to poten­tial val­ue-added tenants