An overview of our projects



Com­plet­ed in: March 2023

The Kefallinias 47 apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the neigh­bor­hood of Kypseli, next to the mar­ket dis­trict of Patis­sion street, very close to the cen­ter of Athens.


Cur­rent status: Res­i­den­tial building
Address: Kefallinias 47
Dis­trict: Kipseli
Total gross sqm: 1,041
Num­ber of apts: 23
Num­ber of retail units: 0


Com­plet­ed in: April 2022

The Askli­p­i­ou 80 apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the res­i­den­tial neigh­bor­hood of Neapoli in Exarchia, a walk­ing dis­tance to the cen­ter of Athens. The area has small neigh­bor­hood shops, cafes and restaurants.


Cur­rent status: Com­mer­cial building
Address: Ask­ili­p­i­ou 80
Dis­trict: Exarcheia
Total gross sqm: 1,026
Num­ber of apts: 20
Num­ber of retail units: 2


Com­plet­ed in: Feb­ru­ary 2022

The Mavromichali 92 and Tilema­chou 11 apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in a very qui­et res­i­den­tial neigh­bor­hood of Exarchia with small shops, restau­rants and cafes, a mere walk­ing dis­tance to the cen­ter of Athens.


Cur­rent status: Com­mer­cial building
Address: Mavromichali 60
Dis­trict: Exarcheia
Total gross sqm: 1,396
Num­ber of apts: 26
Num­ber of retail units: 1


Com­plet­ed in: Decem­ber 2023

The Tza­vel­la 25 apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in a qui­et street In close vicin­i­ty to shops, restau­rants, music bars and cafes, next to Exarchia square and walk­ing dis­tance to the cen­ter of Athens.


Cur­rent status: Res­i­den­tial building
Address: Tza­vela 25
Dis­trict: Exarcheia
Total gross sqm: 1,260
Num­ber of apts: 23
Num­ber of retail units: 2

Tri­on Petralona 

Com­plet­ed in: Jan­u­ary 2024

The Tri­on Ier­arx­on 83 apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed at the heart of the charm­ing res­i­den­tial neigh­bor­hood of Ano Petralona, a vibrant neigh­bor­hood with new­ly opened French style cafés and music bars, and the pre­ferred area of young professionals.


Cur­rent status: Res­i­den­tial building
Address: Tri­on Ier­ar­chon 83
Dis­trict: Petralona
Total gross sqm: 1,694
Num­ber of apts: 21
Num­ber of retail units: 2


Com­plet­ed in: March 2024

The Leonidou 45, apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the ‘up and com­ing’ neigh­bor­hood of Metax­ourgeio, home to many artists and gal­leries. The build­ing Is sur­round­ed by restau­rants, shops and cafes, with­in a walk­ing dis­tance to the cen­ter of Athens. If you get to the roof ter­race of Leonidou you will see the beau­ti­ful view of the Acropolis.


Cur­rent status: Res­i­den­tial building
Address: Leonidou 45
Dis­trict: Metax­ourgeio
Total gross sqm: 1,161
Num­ber of apts: 22
Num­ber of retail units: 2


Com­plet­ed in: April 2024

The Boubouli­nas apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the neigh­bor­hood of Exarchia, behind the Arche­o­log­i­cal muse­um, next to the Poly­tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Athens and close to shops, restau­rants, music bars and cafes.


Cur­rent status: Office build­ing
Address: Boubouli­nas 42
Dis­trict: Exarchia
Total gross sqm: 1,761
Num­ber of apts: 28
Num­ber of retail units: 1


Trik­oupi 13

Under Con­struc­tion

The Trik­oupi 13 apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the neigh­bor­hood of Exarchia in short prox­im­i­ty to the famous Exarchia Square with Its vibrant heart of music bars and cafes often vis­it­ed by the young gen­er­a­tion of Athe­ni­ans. Locat­ed a mere walk­ing dis­tance to the cen­ter of Athens.


Cur­rent status: Res­i­den­tial building
Address: Trik­oupi 13
Dis­trict: Exarchia
Total gross sqm: 1,299
Num­ber of apts: 25
Num­ber of retail units: 2

Trik­oupi 15

Under Con­struc­tion

The Trik­oupi 15, apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the neigh­bor­hood of Exarchia in short prox­im­i­ty to the famous Exarchia Square with Its vibrant heart of music bars and cafes often vis­it­ed by the young gen­er­a­tion of Athe­ni­ans. Locat­ed a mere walk­ing dis­tance to the cen­ter of Athens.


Cur­rent status: Res­i­den­tial building
Address: Trik­oupi 15
Dis­trict: Exarchia
Total gross sqm: 1,243
Num­ber of apts: 21
Num­ber of retail units: 1



In plan­ning stage

The Mega­lou Spileou apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the pop­u­lar neigh­bor­hood of Ampelokipoi, next to the Metro sta­tion, with­in close prox­im­i­ty of all major bus routes and the three largest avenues that lead to the cen­ter of Athens. The area Is known to be the pre­ferred res­i­den­tial area for Athen­ian doc­tors and their families.


Cur­rent status: Res­i­den­tial building
Address: Mega­lou Spi­laiou 2
Dis­trict: Ampelokipi
Total gross sqm: 1,532
Num­ber of apts: 38
Num­ber of retail units: 1
Park­ing places: 4

Veik­ou 62

In plan­ning stage

The Veik­ou 62 apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the neigh­bor­hood of Kouka­ki, next to the new Archae­o­log­i­cal Muse­um of Athens in the Acrop­o­lis area, in close prox­im­i­ty to shops, restau­rants, music bars and cafes. Locat­ed 100 meters from the Metro and a walk­ing dis­tance to the cen­ter of Athens.


Cur­rent status: Cin­e­ma
Address: Veik­ou 62
Dis­trict: Kouka­ki
Total gross sqm: 2,103
Num­ber of apts: 41
Num­ber of retail units: 1

Noti Bot­sari 16

In plan­ning stage

The Noti Bot­sari 16 apart­ment build­ing will be locat­ed in the neigh­bor­hood of Kouka­ki, next to the new Archae­o­log­i­cal Muse­um of Athens in the Acrop­o­lis area, in close prox­im­i­ty to shops, restau­rants, music bars and cafes. Locat­ed 100 meters from the Metro and a walk­ing dis­tance to the cen­ter of Athens.


New con­struc­tion

Orig­i­nal status: New Con­struc­tion
Address: Noti Bot­sari 16
Dis­trict: Kouka­ki
Total gross sqm: 1,050
Num­ber of apts: 13
Num­ber of retail units: 0
Under­ground parking: lev­els of under­ground park­ing to be built with 8 park­ing places

Drosopoulou 62

In plan­ning stage

The Drosopoulou 62 & Syrou cor­ner apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the Area of Kypseli, close to the cen­ter of Athens, and is one of Athens’s old­est neigh­bor­hoods. Since the 1950s, Kypseli was an exclu­sive upper-class neigh­bor­hood, attract­ing artists and the intel­li­gentsia. The build­ing is a mere one block away from Kypseli’s heart, Fokionos Negri, a pedes­tri­an­ized boule­vard that is built over a stream whichh is still run­ning, deep under the pave­ment. The street is lined with many cafés, bars and restau­rants, where locals of all ages gath­er to chat and social­ize under the trees.


New con­struc­tion

Orig­i­nal status: New Con­struc­tion
Address: Drosopoulou 62
Dis­trict: Kypseli
Total gross sqm: 1,612
Num­ber of apts: 29
Num­ber of retail units: 0
Under­ground parking: 4

Solo­mou 40

In plan­ning stage

Solo­mou 40 apart­ment build­ing is locat­ed in the neigh­bor­hood of Exarcheia, very close to shops, restau­rants, music bars and cafes, 250 m. from Exarcheia square and walk­ing dis­tance to the cen­ter of Athens. The new­ly designed ener­gy effi­cient 6‑story build­ing, has a facade with indi­vid­ual bal­conies for all apart­ments, 2 roof ter­race apart­ments in two lev­els with pri­vate roof gar­dens and 2 ground lev­el gar­den apart­ments. A small retail shop is locat­ed inside the Stoa area on the ground lev­el. In addi­tion, two under­ground lev­els of park­ing spaces are pro­vid­ed for the ten­ants with a car lift for an easy access.


New con­struc­tion

Cur­rent status: Emp­ty plot used as park­ing area
Address: Solo­mou 40
Dis­trict: Exarchia
Total gross sqm: 1,590
Num­ber of apts: 22
Num­ber of retail units: 1
Under­ground park­ing (2 levels): 14

Matro­zou 2

In plan­ning stage


New con­struc­tion

Cur­rent status: Emp­ty plot used as park­ing area
Address: Matro­zou 2
Dis­trict: Kouka­ki
Total gross sqm: 1,335
Num­ber of apts: 11
Num­ber of retail units: 1
Under­ground park­ing (2 levels): 10