Pri­va­cy Policy

This web­site is pro­vid­ed by the com­pa­ny under the cor­po­rate name “Dia­mona Greece IKE” and with the dis­tinc­tive title “Dia­mona Greece”, hav­ing its reg­is­tered seat at Athens Atti­ca, 80 Askli­p­i­ou st., with Tax Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber 801220856, as legal­ly rep­re­sent­ed (here­inafter the “Com­pa­ny”).

The Com­pa­ny, in the course of its busi­ness activ­i­ties, col­lects and process­es per­son­al data in full com­pli­ance with the prin­ci­ples laid down in Reg­u­la­tion (EU) 2016/679 of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment and the Coun­cil of the 27th April 2016 on the pro­tec­tion of nat­ur­al per­sons with regard to the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data and on the free move­ment of such data, and repeal­ing Direc­tive 95/46/EC (here­inafter the “Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion” or “GDPR”), as well as with the applic­a­ble nation­al and Euro­pean leg­is­la­tion on the pro­tec­tion of per­son­al data. It also takes all, appro­pri­ate tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­za­tion­al mea­sures required to pro­tect the per­son­al data it col­lects and process­es. The com­pa­ny is the Data Con­troller of the per­son­al data which are col­lect­ed through the means described in detail in the present Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy and (which) are processed for the per­for­mance of your con­tract with the Company.


1. Sub­ject
The present Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy aims to inform you about the data our Com­pa­ny col­lects through its web­site, how it uses such data, as well as to inform you about your respec­tive rights.
The Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy will be revised from time to time and the revised ver­sion will be uploaded on our web­site. For this rea­son, we invite you to review this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy fre­quent­ly, in order to remain informed of any amend­ments thereof.


2. Def­i­n­i­tions
For the pur­pos­es of this Pri­va­cy Policy:

“per­son­al data” shall mean any infor­ma­tion relat­ing to an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able nat­ur­al per­son (“data sub­ject”); an iden­ti­fi­able nat­ur­al per­son is one who can be iden­ti­fied, direct­ly or indi­rect­ly, in par­tic­u­lar by ref­er­ence to an iden­ti­fi­er such as a name, an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber, loca­tion data, an online iden­ti­fi­er or to one or more fac­tors spe­cif­ic to the phys­i­cal, phys­i­o­log­i­cal, genet­ic, men­tal, eco­nom­ic, cul­tur­al or social iden­ti­ty of that nat­ur­al person;

“pro­cess­ing” shall mean any oper­a­tion or set of oper­a­tions which is per­formed on per­son­al data or on sets of per­son­al data, whether or not by auto­mat­ed means, such as col­lec­tion, record­ing, orga­ni­za­tion, struc­tur­ing, stor­age, adap­ta­tion or alter­ation, retrieval, con­sul­ta­tion, use, dis­clo­sure by trans­mis­sion, dis­sem­i­na­tion or oth­er­wise mak­ing avail­able, align­ment or com­bi­na­tion, restric­tion, era­sure or destruction;

“con­troller” shall mean the nat­ur­al or legal per­son, pub­lic author­i­ty, agency or oth­er body which, alone or joint­ly with oth­ers, deter­mines the pur­pos­es and means of the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data; where the pur­pos­es and means of such pro­cess­ing are deter­mined by Union or Mem­ber State law, the con­troller or the spe­cif­ic cri­te­ria for its nom­i­na­tion may be pro­vid­ed for by Union or Mem­ber State law;

“proces­sor” shall mean a nat­ur­al or legal per­son, pub­lic author­i­ty, agency or oth­er body which process­es per­son­al data on behalf of the controller;

“recip­i­ent” shall mean a nat­ur­al or legal per­son, pub­lic author­i­ty, agency or anoth­er body, to which the per­son­al data are dis­closed, whether a third par­ty or not. How­ev­er, pub­lic author­i­ties which may receive per­son­al data in the frame­work of a par­tic­u­lar inquiry in accor­dance with Union or Mem­ber State law shall not be regard­ed as recip­i­ents; the pro­cess­ing of those data by those pub­lic author­i­ties shall be in com­pli­ance with the applic­a­ble data pro­tec­tion rules accord­ing to the pur­pos­es of the processing;

“third par­ty” shall mean a nat­ur­al or legal per­son, pub­lic author­i­ty, agency or body oth­er than the data sub­ject, con­troller, proces­sor and per­sons who, under the direct author­i­ty of the con­troller or proces­sor, are autho­rized to process per­son­al data;

“con­sent” of the data sub­ject shall mean any freely giv­en, spe­cif­ic, informed and unam­bigu­ous indi­ca­tion of the data subject’s wish­es by which he or she, by a state­ment or by a clear affir­ma­tive action, sig­ni­fies agree­ment to the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data relat­ing to him or her.


3. Data Subjects
The Com­pa­ny col­lects and process­es per­son­al data of the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories of indi­vid­u­als, such as: (a) cus­tomers, poten­tial cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers, con­trac­tors and ser­vice providers of the Com­pa­ny and (b) cus­tomers, con­sumers, poten­tial con­sumers, employ­ees, mem­bers of the Board of Direc­tors, for­mer employ­ees, sup­pli­ers, con­trac­tors and ser­vice providers of Company’s customers.


4. Per­son­al Data Collected
Each time you request the pro­vi­sion of our ser­vices, vis­it our facil­i­ties or web­site, con­tact the Com­pa­ny direct­ly by any means, con­clude with the Com­pa­ny any kind of con­tract for the pro­vi­sion of ser­vices and/or employ­ment con­tract, pro­vide us with your ser­vices or make use of the ser­vices we pro­vide to you, we col­lect and process per­son­al data that con­cern you, such as the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories of data:

• Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion data and con­tact infor­ma­tion, includ­ing your name, sur­name, date of birth, postal address, e‑mail address, tele­phone num­ber, ID card num­ber, Social Secu­ri­ty Num­ber (AMKA), Tax Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber, images, etc.;

• Finan­cial data, includ­ing your IBAN, bank account details, cred­it card state­ment, invoice data, cred­it stand­ing and rat­ing, debts and pay­ment data;

• Tech­ni­cal and oth­er infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing your activ­i­ty on the Company’s web­site and infor­ma­tion derived from the use of the Inter­net and/or auto­mat­i­cal­ly through your brows­er on your desk­top, lap­top, tablet, or mobile device such as IP address, ISP domain, type and ver­sion of your brows­er, your oper­at­ing sys­tem. etc.


5. Law­ful­ness of processing
The Com­pa­ny process­es per­son­al data only when it has a legit­i­mate rea­son to pro­ceed in such pro­cess­ing and in par­tic­u­lar when:

• Pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary in order to pro­vide the ser­vices which you assign and antic­i­pate to receive from our Com­pa­ny, such as for the exe­cu­tion and man­age­ment of sales and the return of prod­ucts, lease of res­i­dences, the devel­op­ment of new busi­ness coop­er­a­tions, the finan­cial account­ing of clients, sup­pli­ers, income receipts and pay­ments, etc.

• pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary for the per­for­mance of a contract;

• pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary to com­mu­ni­cate with you. Pro­vid­ed that you have giv­en your con­sent and always in com­pli­ance with our legal oblig­a­tions, our Com­pa­ny may send you and adver­tis­ing mes­sage and ask you, should you wish to do so, to fill in a form declar­ing your inter­est, in order to con­tact you;

• pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary for the com­pli­ance of the Com­pa­ny with its legal obligations;

• pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary to safe­guard the legit­i­mate inter­ests of data sub­jects as well as those of the Company;

• pro­cess­ing is based on your explic­it consent.


6. Access to per­son­al data by third parties
The Com­pa­ny does not pro­vide to any third par­ties access to per­son­al data that it col­lects and process­es as the data con­troller. By way of excep­tion, it may pro­vide access only if it is absolute­ly nec­es­sary for the here­in described legit­i­mate pur­pos­es, to mem­bers of its per­son­nel (to the extent that this is nec­es­sary for the per­for­mance of their duties) and to com­pa­nies pro­vid­ing sys­tems and oper­a­tions and/or ser­vices that are essen­tial to the Com­pa­ny in order to pro­vide its ser­vices, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to couri­er and trans­port com­pa­nies, mar­ket­ing and dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agen­cies, trav­el agen­cies, plat­forms and com­pa­nies pro­vid­ing soft­ware and appli­ca­tions (i.e. com­pa­nies pro­vid­ing web­site eval­u­a­tion and improve­ment ser­vices, data com­pa­nies and tech­ni­cal sup­port agen­cies), banks, insur­ers, State enti­ties, Courts, Admin­is­tra­tive or Judi­cial Author­i­ties, lawyers, experts, tech­ni­cal advi­sors, wit­ness­es, etc. Such data shall be accessed exclu­sive­ly for the pur­pos­es and to the extent of pro­vid­ing each ser­vice and always on the con­di­tion that the above­men­tioned per­sons accept and com­ply with the terms of the present Pol­i­cy and with the applic­a­ble leg­is­la­tion. In such cas­es, the Com­pa­ny remains respon­si­ble for the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data and deter­mines the indi­vid­ual ele­ments to be processed; the Com­pa­ny also con­cludes a spe­cial agree­ment with the third par­ties to whom it could assign the exe­cu­tion of pro­cess­ing activ­i­ties, in order to ensure that pro­cess­ing is car­ried out in accor­dance with the applic­a­ble legal frame­work and that all nat­ur­al per­sons are able to freely and with­out any hin­drance exer­cise the rights grant­ed to them under the applic­a­ble legislation.


7. Reten­tion peri­od for per­son­al data
Τhe peri­od for which the per­son­al data shall be stored is deter­mined based on the par­tic­u­lar cri­te­ria set below on a case-by-case basis:

(a) When pro­cess­ing is per­formed on the basis of exe­cu­tion of a con­tract, per­son­al data shall be stored for as long as it is nec­es­sary for the per­for­mance of the con­tract and the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise and/or sup­port of legal claims pos­si­bly aris­ing from such contract.

(b) When pro­cess­ing is imposed as an oblig­a­tion by pro­vi­sions of the applic­a­ble legal frame­work, per­son­al data shall be stored for as long as it is required by the rel­e­vant provisions.


8. Your rights in rela­tion to your per­son­al data
All nat­ur­al per­sons whose data are being processed by the Com­pa­ny have the fol­low­ing rights:

Right to infor­ma­tion and access: You have the right to be informed and to have access to your per­son­al data and your med­ical records and to receive addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing their processing.

Right to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion: You have the right to obtain the cor­rec­tion, amend­ment, addi­tion and update of your per­son­al data.

Right to era­sure (right to be for­got­ten): You have the right to obtain the era­sure of your per­son­al data in the cas­es that such right is not restrict­ed by the oblig­a­tion of the health­care ser­vices provider to retain your med­ical record under applic­a­ble law or otherwise.

Right to restric­tion of pro­cess­ing: You have the right to obtain restric­tion of pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data when: a) the accu­ra­cy of your per­son­al data is con­test­ed and until the accu­ra­cy of the data is ver­i­fied; b) the pro­cess­ing is unlaw­ful and you oppose to the era­sure of your per­son­al data and request the restric­tion of their use instead; c) your per­son­al data is no longer need­ed for the pur­pos­es of the pro­cess­ing, but they are required for the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise or defense of legal claims; and d) you have object­ed to the pro­cess­ing pend­ing the ver­i­fi­ca­tion whether there are legit­i­mate grounds con­cern­ing each Clin­ic or Com­pa­ny of IASO Group and over­rid­ing those for which you oppose to the processing.

Right to object the pro­cess­ing: You have the right to object any time to pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data when the pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary for pur­pos­es of legit­i­mate inter­ests pur­sued by our Com­pa­ny as Data Controller.

Right to data porta­bil­i­ty: You have the right to receive with­out any cost accrued your per­son­al data in a struc­tured, com­mon­ly used and machine-read­able for­mat, as well as the right to trans­mit those data to anoth­er con­troller, pro­vid­ed that it is tech­ni­cal­ly fea­si­ble. This right con­cerns the data that you have pro­vid­ed to IASO Group and their pro­cess­ing is car­ried out by auto­mat­ed means based on your con­sent or in performance/execution of a rel­a­tive contract.

Right to with­draw con­sent: You have the right to with­draw your con­sent, to the extent it was giv­en for the intend­ed pro­cess­ing, at any time. In case you wish to exer­cise any of the above rights you can con­tact direct­ly the Com­pa­ny, send­ing a mes­sage to the email address under the title “Per­son­al Data”.
Right of com­plaint to Hel­lenic DPA: You have the right to lodge a com­plaint to the Greek Data Pro­tec­tion Author­i­ty ( Tele­phone Cen­tre: +30 210 6475600, Fax: +30 210 6475628, Email address:


9. Third par­ty websites
Our web­site may con­tain links to oth­er web­sites oper­at­ed by exter­nal third par­ties, while web­sites oper­at­ed by exter­nal third par­ties may also con­tain links to our web­site. The Com­pa­ny takes all nec­es­sary mea­sures in order to ensure that its web­site is only linked to web­sites of exter­nal third par­ties which main­tain and enforce the same stan­dards and cri­te­ria on pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty. In any case, the Com­pa­ny bears no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the con­tent, the pri­va­cy and the per­son­al data pro­tec­tion prac­tices adopt­ed in web­sites of third par­ties, does not guar­an­tee the per­ma­nent and secure acces­si­bil­i­ty, does not accept or adopt the con­tent of ser­vices pro­vid­ed by third web­sites, nor is it respon­si­ble for the pri­va­cy and the pro­tec­tion of the per­son­al data that you may have pro­vid­ed to third par­ty web­sites inso­far as you have left the present website.


10. Infor­ma­tion security
The Com­pa­ny has adopt­ed and cur­rent­ly applies all appro­pri­ate tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­za­tion­al mea­sures in order to secure pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data and to pre­vent acci­den­tal loss or destruc­tion, non- autho­rized and/or ille­gal access, use, mod­i­fi­ca­tion or dis­clo­sure, and ensures the law­ful­ness of the col­lec­tion, pro­cess­ing and secure main­te­nance of per­son­al data, under the pro­vi­sions of nation­al, Euro­pean and inter­na­tion­al law in con­nec­tion with the individual’s pro­tec­tion against unlaw­ful pro­cess­ing of its per­son­al data and par­tic­u­lar­ly tak­ing into account the pro­vi­sions of the GDPR. Under any cir­cum­stances, it shall be not­ed that the way the inter­net func­tions in com­bi­na­tion with the fact that is free to any­one can­not guar­an­tee that non- autho­rized third per­sons will not be able to vio­late the applied tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­za­tion­al mea­sures, by gain­ing access to and poten­tial­ly mak­ing use of per­son­al data for unau­tho­rized and/or ille­git­i­mate purposes.

Cook­ies Policy

This web­site uses cook­ies to allow you hav­ing access to our ser­vices, to man­age con­nec­tion ses­sions, to pro­vide cus­tomized web­sites and to adjust pro­mo­tion­al and oth­er con­tent in order to reflect users’ spe­cial inter­ests, as well as to con­duct anony­mous cumu­la­tive sta­tis­tics which helps under­stand the way pub­lic uses this web­site and improve its struc­ture and content.


What are cookies?
Cook­ies are small text files saved in the com­put­er or the user’s portable device each time they vis­it a web­site. The infor­ma­tion saved in the user’s com­put­er may con­sist of data such as the pages they have vis­it­ed, the date and time of the vis­it, as well as any ran­dom and unique iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber of the user. A clas­sic exam­ple of such infor­ma­tion is users’ pref­er­ences on a web­site, as such pref­er­ences are deter­mined depend­ing on users’ choic­es in such web­site (i.e. selec­tion of spe­cif­ic “but­tons”, search­es, etc.).


Gen­er­al infor­ma­tion on the types of cookies

There are two gen­er­al cat­e­gories of cookies:

• Tech­ni­cal Cook­ies: Tech­ni­cal cook­ies are essen­tial for the prop­er func­tion­ing of a web­site and allow users to browse and to use the fea­tures of the web­site. With­out them, effec­tive web­site per­for­mance can­not be achieved since users may not be able to effec­tive­ly dis­play web­pages and/or to use cer­tain features.

• Pro­fil­ing cook­ies: Pro­fil­ing cook­ies are used for the cre­ation of user pro­files in order to pro­vide con­tent and adver­tise­ments that best suit the user and its brows­ing pref­er­ences. Cook­ies, irre­spec­tive of whether they are clas­si­fied as “tech­ni­cal cook­ies” or “pro­fil­ing cook­ies” may also be clas­si­fied as:

• Ses­sion cook­ies, which are imme­di­ate­ly delet­ed upon clos­ing the brows­ing program;

• Per­ma­nent cook­ies, which remain in the brows­ing pro­gram for a cer­tain peri­od of time. Per­ma­nent cook­ies are used, for exam­ple, for the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the device con­nect­ed to a web­site in order to facil­i­tate user’s identification;

• Owned cook­ies, which are cre­at­ed and con­trolled direct­ly by the webmaster;

• Third-par­ty cook­ies, which are cre­at­ed and con­trolled by par­ties oth­er than the web­mas­ter. Dia­mona Greece’s web­site uses tech­ni­cal cook­ies of the fol­low­ing type:

1. Owned cook­ies, ses­sion cook­ies or per­ma­nent cook­ies, which are nec­es­sary for brows­ing in our web­site as well as for pur­pos­es of inter­nal secu­ri­ty and man­age­ment of systems.

2. Third-par­ty cook­ies, per­ma­nent cook­ies used by the Web­site in order to pro­vide sta­tis­ti­cal infor­ma­tion to Google Ana­lyt­ics, through the oper­a­tion of which Dia­mona Greece is able to pro­ceed to the sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis of access/visits to its Web­site. The cook­ies that are used serve sta­tis­ti­cal pur­pos­es exclu­sive­ly and col­lect infor­ma­tion in an aggre­gate form. By using two par­tic­u­lar types of cook­ies, i.e. per­ma­nent cook­ies and ses­sion cook­ies (which expire upon clos­ing the brows­ing pro­gram), Google Ana­lyt­ics stores also a reg­istry includ­ing the time that users vis­it­ed our Web­site, as well as the time that users exit­ed our Web­site. You may restrict Google from col­lect­ing data through the use of cook­ies and from pro­cess­ing your per­son­al data, by down­load­ing and installing the brows­ing exten­sion at the fol­low­ing URL:
You may choose the types of cook­ies to the use of which you con­sent for by click­ing here. As for third-par­ty cook­ies, users shall pro­vide or refuse to pro­vide their con­sent direct­ly to the hold­er of suck cook­ies to whom Dia­mona Greece mere­ly refers: please note that the major­i­ty of third-par­ty cook­ies used in the present Web­site can be deac­ti­vat­ed by users through the brows­ing pro­gram the use or by direct­ly vis­it­ing the web­site where such cook­ies have been placed and using the links in the table below. In any case, we shall point out that rejec­tion of cook­ies may affect the per­for­mance and func­tion­al­i­ty of the web­site or pre­vent you from using all fea­tures thereto.


Which types of cook­ies do we use in this website?

This web­site uses cook­ies of the fol­low­ing categories:

• Strict­ly nec­es­sary cook­ies: Strict­ly nec­es­sary cook­ies are essen­tial for the prop­er func­tion­ing of the web­site and allow user to browse and to use the fea­tures of the web­site. Such cook­ies do not rec­og­nize your indi­vid­ual iden­ti­ty. With­out them, effec­tive web­site per­for­mance can­not be achieved. (Such cook­ies are always active).

• Per­for­mance cook­ies: Per­for­mance cook­ies col­lect infor­ma­tion with respect to the man­ner in which vis­i­tors use the web­site, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to infor­ma­tion about the web­sites which are most fre­quent­ly vis­it­ed by users. Such cook­ies col­lect aggre­gate, anony­mous infor­ma­tion which does not iden­ti­fy the user and are exclu­sive­ly used for the improve­ment of the per­for­mance of the web­site. (You may choose whether you pre­fer to acti­vate such cook­ies or not).

• Third-par­ty cook­ies: Third-par­ty cook­ies are placed by third par­ties in order to col­lect data about your inter­ac­tion with our web­site. These data may be used by our part­ners in order to draw sta­tis­ti­cal con­clu­sions and improve your expe­ri­ence as a vis­i­tor to our web­site. (You may choose whether you pre­fer to acti­vate such cook­ies or not).

• Func­tion­al­i­ty cook­ies: Func­tion­al­i­ty cook­ies allow the web­site to mem­o­rize user options, such as user name, lan­guage, or area and to pro­vide improved and per­son­al­ized fea­tures. They may also be used to pro­vide ser­vices request­ed by the user, such as video view­ing or the use of social media. The infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed through such cook­ies may be anonymized and can­not track your brows­ing activ­i­ty on oth­er web­sites. Rejec­tion of these cook­ies may affect per­for­mance and func­tion­al­i­ty of the web­site. (You may choose whether you pre­fer to acti­vate such cook­ies or not).

• Targeting/advertising cook­ies: Targeting/advertising cook­ies are used to pro­vide con­tent that best suits the user and their inter­ests. They may be used to pro­vide tar­get­ed adver­tise­ments and/or offers, to restrict adver­tise­ments pro­jec­tion or to mea­sure the effec­tive­ness of an adver­tis­ing cam­paign. They may also be used to mem­o­rize the web­sites that the users have vis­it­ed in order to deter­mine which online mar­ket­ing chan­nels are most effec­tive. (You may choose whether you pre­fer to acti­vate such cook­ies or not).

• Traf­fic man­age­ment: Traf­fic man­age­ment pro­grams are used on this web­site to iden­ti­fy tech­ni­cal prob­lems that may occur while you are brows­ing. Based on the infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed through these pro­grams, we cor­rect any tech­ni­cal errors and prob­lems and we improve the ser­vices pro­vid­ed through our web­site in order to meet the user’s per­son­al needs. (You may choose whether you pre­fer to acti­vate such cook­ies or not).

• Social media cook­ies: Such cook­ies are required in order to link your social net­work­ing account to our web­site. Social media cook­ies are, for exam­ple, nec­es­sary to allow you to repub­lish and share with your friends on social net­works infor­ma­tion on our web­site or to declare that you want to fol­low our page on social media. Social media cook­ies are not required in order for you to nav­i­gate in our website.


Google Ana­lyt­ics
In order to bet­ter under­stand how our ser­vices are used, we mon­i­tor cer­tain user activ­i­ties that take place with­in our prod­ucts, includ­ing page views and clicks on any links used through the Google Ana­lyt­ics Ser­vice. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion relat­ed to Google’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy, please see


Con­trol­ling cookies
You can mod­i­fy your brows­er set­tings in order to reject cook­ies. How­ev­er, if you lim­it the abil­i­ty of our web­site to set cook­ies by reject­ing them, you may wors­en your over­all user expe­ri­ence and not be able to con­nect to or use the inter­ac­tive fea­tures of the loca­tions of the present web­site to the extent that their func­tion­ing is depen­dent on the use of cookies.